Reclaim your power - don’t let your flow stop your glow!

Too many of us are putting up with messy menstrual cycles. We are accepting that pain, flooding, and erratic cycles are normal. They are not. 

Acupuncture can alleviate distressing symptoms many women experience during their periods, peri-menopause and menopause. There is help available. This help can run alongside Western solutions to endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), painful periods, scanty periods, flooding, brain fog and hot flushes (to name a few).

As an acupuncturist I look at the bigger picture, asking questions that help me to understand how your symptoms manifest for you. The type of pain you experience, the colour and length of your period and how you feel all tell me what is going on in your body. I also look at your tongue and take your pulse which adds to the diagnosis.

I treat your main complaint, but I also treat underlying symptoms that contribute to your distress; such as your mental health. I look into your lifestyle habits and advise on where small changes can make a big difference to how you feel. 

I am a fully licensed and insured, degree trained acupuncturist, with an additional diploma in Obstetrics, IVF and Gynaecology Acupuncture. Which means I am fully invested in women’s health - its time we took care of ourselves and celebrated our cycles.

I recommend that you invest in yourself and commit to six weeks of treatment to gain the full benefits and magic of acupuncture. You won’t be disappointed. After six weeks we can reassess where you are and plan maintenance treatments as and when required.

Full consultation - £75 and includes a treatment (1:5hrs)

Single acupuncture sessions at £60 (45mins)

Joanne Lenny licensed and insured, degree trained acupuncturist, with an additional diploma in Obstetrics, IVF and Gynaecology Acupuncture. Which means I am fully invested in women’s health  - its time we took care of ourselves & celebrate our cycles