Acupuncture looks at the whole person, often working on the inner self to address physical symptoms. I studied Facial Enhancement Acupuncture with the brilliant Paul Adkins as part of my commitment to continuous professional development. I also wanted to offer people who were more aesthetically conscious a gateway into acupuncture and to let the power and magic of this wonderful therapy speak for itself.
Facial Enhancement Acupuncture naturally improves wrinkles, lifts the face and leaves you looking radiant and nourished. But it offers so much more than that. As a Five Element practitioner I introduce body points that help you to relax and enjoy the treatment. I aim to send you home feeling balanced and more like yourself again. As one of my male clients said: “I skipped all the way home. I could not believe how good I felt.”
“…a viable alternative to cosmetic surgery and the effects can run much deeper than simply improving appearances.”
In addition to the facial needles, I can introduce high grade micro needles to penetrate the upper layer of the skin. I use a local anaesthetic to ensure a pain free experience. These tiny micro-derma needles stimulates collagen production and reduces fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, open pores and pigmentation marks. Leaving you with a healthier, radiant, youthful skin.
I recommend six weeks of treatments to fully see the benefits, however you will notice a difference within two weeks.
But don’t take my word for it:
“I have had six weekly sessions of facial enhancement acupuncture and I have to say I am completely in love with acupuncture. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but my skin is noticeably nourished, brighter and plumper. I wanted Joanne to concentrate on a furrow I have in my forehead. I have noticed a difference, it definitely appears smoother. I have become an acupuncture convert and I will be continuing with monthly facials. Joanne makes you feel so welcome and at ease as soon as you arrive. She takes onboard what you are trying to achieve and is knowledgeable. For anyone not having had acupuncture or tried facial enhancement acupuncture I would strongly recommend it. “ NR